Great Price "Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition)" for $26.00 Today
I'm currently only 4 chapters into the Kindle version of this book and so far I can honestly say I've been able to learn more about Objective C than any other book. I have a background in computer science and have learned various programming languages such as BASIC, Pascal, LISP, Scheme, Java, even assembly - but I never got around to learning C or any of its variants. I've consumed many instructional books on programming and can honestly say that this one is the most well-written and easily comprehensible out of all of them. The author takes great care to explain virtually every aspect of Objective C syntax and does it in a way that's comfortable for both neophytes as well as those who have had some prior programming experience.
Additionally, the Kindle version of this book is done very well, easily readable on the Kindle device or an iPad (I've been reading it on both). When it's displayed on the iPad (with the Kindle app), you also get the additional benefit of color illustrations. Although I have a long way to go in this book, I can already say that I will have no problem reading it on my PC, my Kindle, or my iPad.
If you're interested in developing apps for the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad, start with this book to give yourself a decent understanding of the Objective-C language, and THEN read the more iPhone OS-specific programming books such as "Head First iPhone Development" and "iPhone Application Development for Dummies". I tried to start with the Head First book and pretty much went nowhere with it until I started reading "Programming in Objective-C 2.0". Now concepts are starting to come together and I'm excited about what I can start doing with the iPhone SDK.
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition) Features
- ISBN13: 9780321566157
- Condition: NEW
- Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.
Rating :
Price : $44.99
Offer Price : $26.00
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition) Overviews
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 provides the new programmer a complete, step-by-step introduction to Objective-C, the primary language used to develop applications for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X platforms.
The book does not assume previous experience with either C or object-oriented programming languages, and it includes many detailed, practical examples of how to put Objective-C to use in your everyday iPhone/iPad or Mac OS X programming tasks.
A powerful yet simple object-oriented programming language that’s based on the C programming language, Objective-C is widely available not only on OS X and the iPhone/iPad platform but across many operating systems that support the gcc compiler, including Linux, Unix, and Windows systems.
The second edition of this book thoroughly covers the latest version of the language, Objective-C 2.0. And it shows not only how to take advantage of the Foundation framework’s rich built-in library of classes but also how to use the iPhone SDK to develop programs designed for the iPhone/iPad platform.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Part I: The Objective-C 2.0 Language
2 Programming in Objective-C
3 Classes, Objects, and Methods
4 Data Types and Expressions
5 Program Looping
6 Making Decisions
7 More on Classes
8 Inheritance
9 Polymorphism, Dynamic Typing, and Dynamic Binding
10 More on Variables and Data Types
11 Categories and Protocols
12 The Preprocessor
13 Underlying C Language Features
Part II: The Foundation Framework
14 Introduction to the Foundation Framework
15 Numbers, Strings, and Collections
16 Working with Files
17 Memory Management
18 Copying Objects
19 Archiving
Part III: Cocoa and the iPhone SDK
20 Introduction to Cocoa
21 Writing iPhone Applications
Part IV: Appendixes
A Glossary
B Objective-C 2.0 Language Summary
C Address Book Source Code
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Customer Review
What is the best book for learning Objective-C? This one, is the one ! - Victor Quintanilha - Canada, Québec
This is the greatest book for learning Objective-C. Every page is a self-contained "very well written", with examples and screen shots and exact directions to process.
The book is divided into chapters for each of the different major topics with complete Table of Contents, make it very easy to find exactly the help you're looking for.
Talking about help. The author made a super, incredible website "forum type" that you can get support and great assistance followed with quiz and many other goodies.
The writing is in a very light and non conversational style, that make the reading fun and easy - each chapter has some kind of humorous, and then dives right into how2. You can either read through thes cover to cover or use it as a reference manual in the future.
I personally find the book to be the easiest one I have ever used. But even so, I picked up several good tips and tricks from this book and his great website that come with this book.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to all future newbie coders who want to get started with Objective-C.
Awesome - Britt T. Griscom -
The brilliant thing about this book is that it comes with an online forum where you can learn from the other students as well as from the author, who replies to all unanswered questions, as far as I can tell. It's like getting a complete course for . It's an amazing deal. The forum is so helpful that I would never by a book like this that didn't have one.
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